Code Break
When the mundane becomes the fantastical ….. a tale of joyous incoherence.
Bombenmüll, fragments of Faience, dolls and other finely crafted porcelain figurines, raw bees wax

An invitational group show by moving poets Berlin. 200 sculpted concrete figures, audio, rabbit.
AN EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH — the bedrock of jurisprudence, the code of punishment and retribution. A collective agrees on laws and delegates the rituals of judgment to ACOLYTES, its ministers in the battle between the contradictions of blood vengeance, forgiveness, arbitrariness, and violence.
Even though "judgment" is a traditional fundamental concept, no unified logic exists. Punishment and retribution are inherently subjective. Theologians were once concerned with maintaining divine order, Immanuel Kant admonished that law and morality should form a unity, and modern jurisprudence relies on algorithms to compare complex precedents. The task of ensuring harmonious coexistence, entrusted to the state, is subject to the capabilities of regimes, the crises of extreme ideologies, and the relative perspectives of dignity, reputation, and honor. To date, humanity has yet to develop a unified concept of the responsible individual.

Bliss Glitch
Drawing form my sustained exploration of cultures around the globe and shaped by both the popular realm and intimate lived experiences, my work essentially is a constellation of reflections on situational conditions and most often takes on the form of poetic commentary. It is my belief, that ART in all its forms may be the best if not the only means to explore the deepest and most perplexing questions of human kind.